Kahe küttekehaga boilerid

Põrandapealne. Kaudseks kütmiseks. Sobib päikesekütte- ja ruumiküttesüsteemidele.


Hea välimus

Lihtne paigaldus

Mugav ülevaatuseks

Lisaseadmed elektriküteks


  • Kõrge efektiivsusega isolatsioon ja PVC materjalist välimine kest RAL 9006 värvitoonis. Temperatuurianduri paigaldus.
  • Komplekne korrosioonikaitse, mis on teostatud titaanemaili ja anoodkaitse abil.
  • Kõik keermed on sisemised.
  • Lihtne paigaldus.
  • Mugav inspekteerimisava.
  • Saadaval modifikatsioonid vertikaalse ja horisontaalse orientatsiooniga.
  • Soojusvaheti spiraal võimaldab mahutil kasutada välist taastuvenergiat, nagu päikesesüsteem või biomassikatel.
  • Valikuline komplekt elektrilise kütmise jaoks nimivõimsusega 3kW, 4,5kW, 6kW või 7,5kW.

Suurused, liitrites:

  • Vertikaalsed mudelid:
    150, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, 2000.
  • Horisontaalsed mudelid:
    300, 500, 1000, 1500.


  • Direktiiv 2010/30/EL, Määrus 812/2013:
  • Klass C


  1. Esteetiline PVC kate värviga RAL 9006
  2. Kõrge efektiivsusega soojusisolatsioon
  3. Termomeeter
  4. Anoodkaitse (DIN 4753-6)
  5. Elektriline küttekeha
  6. Madala süsinikusisaldusega terasest veepaak
  7. Titaanemail (DIN 4753-3)
  8. Kattega inspekteerimisava
  9. Termostaat integreeritud soojuskaitsega
  10. Ohutusventiil, 8 bar
  11. Alumine spiraal S1

Tehnilised andmed

Vertikaalsed mudelid

Parameter SN 150 SN 200 SN 300 SN 400 SN 500 SN 750 SN 1000 SN 1500 SN 2000
Capacity (L) 150 200 300 400 500 750 1000 1500 2000
Height / Mounting height (H, mm) 1070/1210 1340/1460 1420/1580 1490/1670 1720/1890 2000/2030 2050/2080 2310/2370 2310/2370
Diameter (D, mm) Ø 560 Ø 560 Ø 660 Ø 750 Ø 750 Ø 950 Ø 1050 Ø 1050 Ø 1350
Insulation 50 mm rigid PU 100 mm soft PU, removable 50 mm rigid PU 100 mm soft PU, removable 50 mm rigid PU 100 mm soft PU, removable 50 mm rigid PU 100 mm soft PU, removable 50 mm rigid PU
Oper. pressure / max. temperature (bar/°C) 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95
Test pressure of tank (bar) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Electric heating element (optional) (kW) 2 х (3÷6) 2 x (3÷6) 2 x (3÷6) 2 x (3÷7.5) 2 x (3÷7.5) 2 х (3÷7.5) 4 x (3÷7.5) 5 x (3÷7.5) 5 x (3÷7.5)
Weight (kg) 59 73 104 145 167 242 286 392 712
Cold water inlet (A, mm) Rp1”/202 Rp1”/202 Rp1”/215 Rp11/4”/270 Rp11/2”/270 Rp11/2”/300 Rp11/2”/320 2 х Rp11/2”/320 2 х Rp11/2”/385
Hot water outlet (B, mm) Rp1”/868 Rp1”/1140 Rp1”/1170 Rp11/4”/1204 Rp11/2”/1453 Rp11/2”/1630 Rp11/2”/1700 2 х Rp11/2”/1975 2 х Rp11/2”/1885
Recirculation (R, mm) Rp3/4”/450 Rp3/4”/500 Rp3/4”/663 Rp1”/673 Rp1”/831 Rp1”/1405 Rp1”/1487 Rp1”/1487 Rp1”/1635
Oper. pressure / max. Coil temp. S1 (bar/°C) 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110
Test pressure S1 (bar) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Coil capacity S1 (L) 4,56 5,55 7,40 9,25 11,10 12,95 16,65 18,50 25,28
Heat exchange surface S1 (m²) 0,74 0,9 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,1 2,7 3 4,1
Coil inlet S1i (mm, Rp1”) 592 692 805 850 960 970 1070 1170 1265
Coil outlet S1o (mm, Rp1”) 202 202 215 270 270 300 320 320 385
Prolonged power acc. to DIN 4708; 80°C/60°C/45°C, S1 (kW, m³/h) 25(0.61) 29(0.71) 53(1.30) 62(1.52) 72(1.77) 80(1.97) 105(2.58) 131(3.22) 180(4.42)
NL – power coefficient at 60°C, S1 2,5 4,5 11 13 18 32 42 64 80
Pressure drop Δp, S1 (mbar) 65 75 120 180 210 210 260 310 420
Sensor sleeve for thermostat (G, mm, Rp1/2”) 738 892 995 950 1168 1435 1487 1487 1685
Air vent (F, mm, Rp1”) 1070 1340 1410 1480 1710 1950 2020 2320 2311
Inspection opening/Flange (O, mm, Ø, mm) 180/309 Ø 110 180/309 Ø 110 180/320 Ø 110 180/450 Ø 110 180/450 Ø 110 280/450 Ø 200 280/460 Ø 200 280/460 Ø 200 560/555 Ø 400
Drain sleeve (Y, mm, Rp1”) 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 40 30
Thermometer (T, mm, Rp1/2”) 868 1138 1170 1204 1453 1630 1700 1975 1835
Anode protector (P, mm, Rp11/4”) 1070 1340 1410 1079 1340 1435 1570 2 х 1570/1650 2 х 1625/1705
Sleeve for Electric element on water tank body (U, mm, Rp11/2”) Rp11/2” /680 Rp11/2” /850 Rp11/2” /850 Rp11/2” /900 Rp11/2” /1130 Rp11/2” /1040 2 х Rp11/2” /1145 2 х Rp11/2” /1220 2 х Rp11/2” /1330
Sleeve for Electric element on inspection opening flange (Uo, mm) Rp11/2” /309 Rp11/2” /309 Rp11/2” /320 Rp11/2”/ 450 Rp11/2” /450 Rp11/2” /450 2 х Rp11/2” /460 3 х Rp11/2” /460 3 х Rp11/2”/ 555
Additional sensor sleeve (Z, mm, Rp1/2”) 422 392 407 450 568 535 520 520 745

Horisontaalsed mudelid

Parameeter Mõõdud HSN 200 HSN 300 HSN 500 HSN 1000 HSN 1500
Capacity (L) 200 300 500 1000 1500
Height / Length H, L, mm 695/1340 790/1410 890/1710 1190/2080 1190/2380
Diameter D, mm Ø 560 Ø 660 Ø 750 Ø 1050 Ø 1050
Insulation 50 mm rigid PU 100 mm soft PU, removable 100 mm soft PU, removable 100 mm soft PU, removable 100 mm soft PU, removable
Oper. pressure / max. temperature bar/°C 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95 8/95
Test pressure of tank bar 13 13 13 13 13
Electric heating element (optional) kW 2 x (3÷7.5) 2 x (3÷7.5) 2 x (3÷7.5) 2 x (3÷7.5) 3 x (3÷7.5)
Weight kg 73 104 167 286 392
Cold water inlet A, mm Rp1”/220 Rp1”/260 Rp11/2”/270 Rp11/2”/360 Rp11/2”/360
Hot water outlet B, mm Rp1”/220 Rp1”/260 Rp11/2”/270 Rp11/2”/320 Rp11/2”/320
Recirculation R, mm Rp1”/420 Rp1”/465 Rp1”/515 Rp1”/665 Rp1”/665
Oper. pressure / max. Coil temp.S1 bar/°C 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110 16/110
Test pressure S1 bar 25 25 25 25 25
Coil capacity S1 L 5,55 7,40 11,10 16,65 18,50
Heat exchange surface S1 0,9 1,2 1,8 2,7 3
Coil inlet S1i, mm, Rp1” 540 535 585 790 790
Coil outlet S1o, mm, Rp1” 290 290 325 340 340
Prolonged power acc. to DIN 4708; 80°C/60°C/45°C, S1 kW (m³/h) 29(0.71) 53(1.30) 72(1.77) 105(2.58) 131(3.22)
NL – power coefficient at 60°C, S1 NL 60°C 4,5 11 18 42 64
Pressure drop Δp, S1 Δp, mbar 260 260 310 260 310
Sensor sleeve for thermostat G, mm, Rp1/2” 220 260 270 360 360
Inspection opening/Flange O, mm, Ø, mm 180/420 Ø 110 180/465 Ø 110 180/515 Ø 110 280/665 Ø 200 280/665 Ø 200
Thermometer T, mm, Rp1/2” 220 260 270 360 580
Anode protector P, mm, Rp11/4” 320 360 370 460 2 x 690/770
Sleeve for Electric element on water tank body U, mm, Rp11/2” Rp11/2” /240 Rp11/2” /238 Rp11/2” /245 Rp11/2” /280 2 x Rp11/2” /280
Sleeve for Electric element on inspection opening flange Uo, mm, Rp11/2” Rp11/2” /420 Rp11/2” /465 Rp11/2” /515 Rp11/2” /665 Rp11/2” /665
Additional sensor sleeve Z, mm, Rp11/2” - - - 360 580


    Lisa fail